Super Model Azim featuring in Cannes.

Bangladeshi super model Azimudulla will walk in the ramp for the British magazine Integrity’s Fashion Award Gala at the Cannes festival this year. He will be a feature on the cover of the magazine’s August issue too. Korean-American International Fashion Designer Grace Moon recently forwarded him the official invitation to attend the Cannes Film Festival.

Sarder Azimudulla is better known simply as Azim and a renowned model of the fashion world. Azim began his modeling career in 2010. He had done a lot of work over the past 10 years. He has taken part in the Rajasthan Heritage Fashion Week in 2017, modeling for all the top Indian designers. He has worked with Bibi Russell. He has taken part in Bangladesh Week, the Aarong Show, the Zurhem Show, and other top events.

Also, He has modeled in London and in India. He has worked with the famous Indian fashion choreographer Prasad Bidapa. He was the Cat’s Eye brand ambassador for four years and so many more endless mind-blowing ventures.

Now the Cannes event is the icing on the cake. It will open new doors for him, help to spread his name and fame a little further. It will serve to brighten Bangladesh’s image too in the global arena.

Azim said, “I’ve been modeling for quite a few years now and have worked at home and abroad. But there is always that dream of being able to take part in such an international event. And that is coming true. I am really lucky. Not everyone gets such an opportunity, but I did!”

In a brief interview over WhatsApp, designer Grace Moon spoke about participating in the Cannes event, model Azim, her work, and more.

“In 2019 I was able to attend Cannes Film Festival through the American Global Short Film Festival. This year I am invited to a private villa show by a British magazine over a three-day event. I guess the difference this time is the nationality of the organizers,” said designer Grace Moon.

She explains why she chose Azim as her model. “I met him as a model through other work. I felt he had the physique and looks to stand on a global stage. Experience is important too, but I felt his mindset, of taking care of himself and being prepared, was at a level that could place him on a global stage.”

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